Vista x64 에서 64비트 Guest OS 가 설치 안 된다 는 글이 있길래 VMware 사이트에서 관련 내용을 찾아봤습니다.
출처: Hardware and Firmware Requirements for 64-Bit Guest Operating Systems
AMD64 CPU 의 경우 리비전 D 이후, Intel EM64T CPU 의 경우 VT 가 지원되어야 한다는 얘기네요. ^^
콘로 E2xxx, E4xxx, E7xxx 등은 VT 기능이 빠져 있으니 64비트 Guest OS 사용이 불가능하다는 결론이...
하여튼 Intel 은 CPU 가격 낮추면서 맨날 기능 빼고 제한하고... -.-
출처: Hardware and Firmware Requirements for 64-Bit Guest Operating Systems
AMD64 CPU 의 경우 리비전 D 이후, Intel EM64T CPU 의 경우 VT 가 지원되어야 한다는 얘기네요. ^^
콘로 E2xxx, E4xxx, E7xxx 등은 VT 기능이 빠져 있으니 64비트 Guest OS 사용이 불가능하다는 결론이...
하여튼 Intel 은 CPU 가격 낮추면서 맨날 기능 빼고 제한하고... -.-
2014.04.09 AMD Processors with Rapid Virtualization Indexing Required to Run Hyper-V in Windows 8
2009.09.15 Intel VT compatible CPUs for Windows Virtual PC and Hyper-V
2009.05.06 How to confirm your PC can run Windows XP Mode
2009.05.04 웹초보님이 인텔 CPU 의 VT 지원 여부를 잘 정리해 주셨네요 =>내 인텔 CPU는 윈도우 7의 XP 모드를 지원할까?
2009.05.02 BIOS VT Enable 여부 확인. 보드에 따라 메뉴 등은 조금 다를 수 있습니다.
Biostar GF7025-M2 => Advanced BIOS Features -> CPU Feature -> Virtualization
2008.11.13 VT (Hyper-V) 지원 확인 유틸 (출처: Quickly See if your Server, PC or Laptop Supports Hyper-V) =>AMD, Intel
2008.06.08 64비트 Guest 사용 가능 확인 프로그램 => Processor Check for 64-Bit Compatibility

2009.09.15 Intel VT compatible CPUs for Windows Virtual PC and Hyper-V
2009.05.06 How to confirm your PC can run Windows XP Mode
2009.05.04 웹초보님이 인텔 CPU 의 VT 지원 여부를 잘 정리해 주셨네요 =>
2009.05.02 BIOS VT Enable 여부 확인. 보드에 따라 메뉴 등은 조금 다를 수 있습니다.
Biostar GF7025-M2 => Advanced BIOS Features -> CPU Feature -> Virtualization
2008.11.13 VT (Hyper-V) 지원 확인 유틸 (출처: Quickly See if your Server, PC or Laptop Supports Hyper-V) =>
2008.06.08 64비트 Guest 사용 가능 확인 프로그램 => Processor Check for 64-Bit Compatibility
VMware's virtual machine monitor has traditionally used segmentation to provide isolation between the guest operating system and the virtual machine monitor. This is necessary because the guest operating system and virtual machine monitor share the linear address space.
Segmentation support is missing from the initial AMD64 processors (that is, revision C and earlier) while running in long mode. As a result, AMD64 processors prior to revision D do not have an efficient mechanism for isolating the virtual machine monitor from 64-bit guest operating systems.
A limited form of segmentation was reintroduced in long mode, in revision D AMD64 processors. As a result, AMD64 processors must be revision D or later to run 64-bit guest operating systems.
Intel CPUs require EM64T and VT support in the chip and in the BIOS.
Intel EM64T CPUs do not have segmentation support in long mode. If the Intel EM64T CPU is VT-capable, it comes with hardware virtualization support (Intel's Vanderpool Technology). This hardware virtualization support allows Workstation and VMware Server to work around the lack of segmentation, making it possible to run 64-bit guest operating systems on Intel EM64T VT-capable CPUs.
Segmentation support is missing from the initial AMD64 processors (that is, revision C and earlier) while running in long mode. As a result, AMD64 processors prior to revision D do not have an efficient mechanism for isolating the virtual machine monitor from 64-bit guest operating systems.
A limited form of segmentation was reintroduced in long mode, in revision D AMD64 processors. As a result, AMD64 processors must be revision D or later to run 64-bit guest operating systems.
Intel CPUs require EM64T and VT support in the chip and in the BIOS.
Intel EM64T CPUs do not have segmentation support in long mode. If the Intel EM64T CPU is VT-capable, it comes with hardware virtualization support (Intel's Vanderpool Technology). This hardware virtualization support allows Workstation and VMware Server to work around the lack of segmentation, making it possible to run 64-bit guest operating systems on Intel EM64T VT-capable CPUs.
2008.04.16 Intel Processor Spec Finder 사이트에서 E6320 과 E2140 스펙을 확인해 보니 CPU 분류도 서로 다르네요. ^^
AMD 는 싱글 코어 (샘프론 계열 제외 AM2)에서도 VT 지원하는데 인텔은 E6xxx 이상의 듀얼 코어에서만 지원하니... -.-
AMD 는 싱글 코어 (샘프론 계열 제외 AM2)에서도 VT 지원하는데 인텔은 E6xxx 이상의 듀얼 코어에서만 지원하니... -.-