
Winamp 5.24 Msi

리나 2006. 9. 22. 13:11

한동안 신버전이 안 나와 잊고 있었는데... 한달정도 된 뒷북이네요. ^^
이 패키지는 사용자 설치를 자동으로 할 수 있습니다. 말이 이상한가...


This MSI is meant as a complete replacement for the NSIS installer for Winamp. It is a complete recreation of the installer in the Windows Installer format. This conversion allows for command-line switches to be used.

NOTE: This installer is not SILENT by default. You must still use /qb or /qn like you normally would.

I'm lazy, and don't want to type up ALL the switches individually, so I believe I'll use an image.

The switches are in the colum just to the RIGHT of all the components. They match up with the components they're in line with.

Download Link: MSI File | CAB Files
Last Update: 3/12 18:32 GMT

This post has been edited by Alanoll: Aug 21 2006, 08:00 AM